Our Instructors


Team Studio Mathemagics

Meet our passionate team of educators! We're a unique mix of individuals, each with their own special blend of skills and expertise. Dive in and get to know the brains behind the brilliance as we share a bit about our backgrounds and what we're best at. Welcome to our collective journey of excellence.

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Jon Carey

Head Instructor of Mathemagics

John Roper-Batker

Biological Sciences Specialist


Andrew Lemsisanith

Mathematics & Statistics Specialist


Seth Eisenberger

Mathematics & Physics Specialist


Brooke Nelson

Language, Literature, and History Specialist

Mike Keirsznowski

Psychology & Economics Specialist

Areen Andreasian

Statistics & Sciences Specialist

Mike Nichols

Chemistry & Advanced Mathematics Specialist


Jacob Simon

Mathematics and Physics Specialist


Ziyed Hedfi

Mathematics & Sciences Specialist

Our Mission: Empowering Your Child!

Every member of our team is driven by one shared purpose – to instill confidence in your child and pave the way for their success. Consider us your child’s educational allies, here to equip them with foundational knowledge in all areas of academia. Drawing upon our  

extensive experience, we aim to help your child form a deep appreciation for these subjects, creating a nurturing environment for both learning and growth. Together, we’ll set them up for a brighter future!

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